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Online training, also known as computer-based training (CBT), distance learning, or e-learning, is instruction delivered entirely over the internet. It incorporates multimedia elements such as graphics, audio, video, and web links, accessible through a web browser, replacing traditional classroom components.
Online training presents course material and allows for live interactions and real-time feedback on quizzes and tests. Instructor-student interactions occur via chat, email, or other web-based communication methods.
Safety Unlimited, Inc. offers busy paramedics the ability to complete 48 hours of EMS-CE online, anytime, and at their own pace. This online EMS-CE (48 Hours) Paramedic Refresher Topics course meets local and state requirements for California and is Instructor based training for California Licensed Paramedics.
This course is the Level II, Hazardous Materials Emergency Responder Training for OSHA HAZWOPER.
This course is the Level 1, Hazardous Materials Emergency Responder Training for OSHA HAZWOPER. Per 29 CFR 1910.120(q)(6)(i), First responders at the awareness level are individuals who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release and who have been trained to initiate an emergency response sequence by notifying the proper authorities of the release. They would take no further action beyond notifying the authorities of the release.
This course is the Level I, Hazardous Materials Emergency Responder Training for OSHA HAZWOPER and target EMS Responders who work on an ambulance.
Covers all aspects of S.T.A.R.T. triage and its proper application as well as develop an complete understanding of first-in MCI scene management and leadership roles and tactics. This course takes you beyond knowing what S.T.A.R.T. triage is, it ensures you have the tactics to use it.
This continuing education topic goes over the basics of allergic reactions and the progression to anaphylaxis. It also discusses common allergens and treatment. At the end of this lesson, students should be able to discuss appropriate signs, symptoms, and treatment for a patient having an anaphylactic reaction.
This topic goes over the basics of the GCS scale and how to use and apply its findings. At the end of this lesson, students should be able to understand and apply the Glasgow Coma Scale to patients appropriately.
This course is designed to give students an understanding of what Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is; how MRSA affects EMS providers, including prevention and precaution; how MRSA affects hospital providers, including prevention and precaution; how MRSA affects the public; and signs, symptoms, and treatment of MRSA.
This course is designed to give students an understanding of what Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) is; how VRE is acquired and transmitted, as well as risk factors; how VRE affects EMS providers, including prevention and precaution; how VRE affects hospital providers, including prevention and precaution; how VRE affects the public; and the signs, symptoms, and treatment of VRE.
This online Introduction to Emergency Medical Care is intended to serve as just that: an introduction to the emergency medical services. This topic is also included in the following courses: EMS-CE (24 Hours) EMT Refresher Topics Course; 4 Hour (F3 or F5) NCCP State/Local Component EMR Refresher; 10 Hour (F3) NCCP State/Local Component EMT Refresher Course; 12.5 Hour (F3) NCCP State/Local Component AEMT Refresher Course; and the 15 Hour (F5) NCCP State/Local Component NRP (Paramedic) Refresher Course. You may not be eligible to use this topic for CE credit if you have already taken one of these courses in the same recertification cycle.
This online Lifting and Moving Patients training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the proper methods for lifting and moving patients to prevent further injury to the patient as well as the workers themselves.
This online Cardiac Emergencies training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the symptoms of cardiac emergencies in patients and how to handle them.
This online Bleeding, Shock, and Renal Emergencies training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with the knowledge necessary to identify and treat patients who are bleeding, in shock, or undergoing a hematological or renal emergency.
This online Abdominal Emergencies, Chest and Abdominal Trauma training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the nature of abdominal emergencies, chest and abdominal trauma, and how to treat them within the purview of the emergency responder.
This online General Pharmacology, Anatomy, and Physiology training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the general anatomy of the human body, how these components function and go awry, and an understanding of how drugs an emergency responder may use or encounter are intended to work.
This online Diabetic Emergencies, Altered Metal Status, and Allergic Reactions training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of how to treat patients suffering from maladies that can alter their mental status, including a diabetic emergency or allergic reaction.
This online Communication, Terminology, and Scene Size-up training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of common EMS terminology, effective means of communicating with patients and or EMS personnel, and how to assess a scene with the goal of helping victims and protecting yourself.
This online combination session contains the Trauma Triage, Central Nervous (CNS) System Injuries, and Hemorrhage Control courses, covering topics such as a review of triage criteria and the steps involved in triage, the use of the Glasgow Coma Scale to determine the level of traumatic brain injury, and a review of tourniquet and hemostatic agent use in the field.
This online Pediatric Emergencies training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of commonly encountered emergencies involving pediatric patients and management of these events in the field.
This online combination session contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses, covering topics such as the physiology associated with oxygen transport and metabolism, indications for oxygenation and ventilation of the respiratory distress patient, and the role of CPAP and nebulized medications during respiratory incidents.